Page 23 - Edu-Fun-2018-2019-UAE
P. 23

1                                                                                                    & Toddlers  Infants

          Shape Sorting box
          Helps the children to recognize shapes and colors.
          The children try to fit each shape into the match-
          ing space in the box which helps enhance logical/
          mathematical intelligence. It also Improves hand/
          eye co-ordination promoting bodily/kinesthetic in-
          telligence. Ten different pieces representing shapes,
          animals and transportation enriching children’s vo-
          cabulary and helping in developing Linguistic intel-
           W 20.5 X H 12.8 X L 10 cm


                                                                              Shapes small truck
                                                                              Sorting shapes into their corresponding slots teaches
                                                                              children the recognition of shapes and colors which
                                                                              help them develop logical/ mathematical intelligence.
                                                                               W 20.5 X H 12.8 X L 10 cm

           2  NEW
          Toddler grading shapes
          Children sort pegs by size, colour and shape (9 pegs in
          3 basic rows). Builds up the child’s fine muscle move-
          ments and how to differentiate between different
          sizes which help the logical/mathematical and bodily/
          kinesthetic intelligences to be improved.
          W 14 X H 15.2 X L 6 cm

                                                                               2  NEW

                                                                              Geo Pegs and Peg Board
                                                                              36 stackable giant pegs in 6 bright colors, 3 shapes,
                                                                              with 21cm square base board and 3 laces. Ideal for
                                                                              promoting fine motor skills, counting, sorting and pat-
                                                                              terning leading to toward logical/ mathematical and
                                                                              bodily/kinesthetic intelligence development. Pegs are
                                                                              with hole through the bottom, can be also used for
                                                                              lacing activities.

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