Page 12 - Edu-Fun-2018-2019-UAE
P. 12
Multiple Intelligences
Are all children intelligent? Intelligence is He believes – and we do – that everybody
often defined as our intellectual potential; has a different mind, and no two profiles of
something we are born with, something that intelligence are the same.
can be measured and a capacity that is difficult Gardner indicates that by introducing a broader
to change. Recently, however, other views of range of learning methods, (known as the
intelligence have emerged. One such conception intelligences) educators and indeed parents,
is the theory of multiple intelligences proposed can home in on an individual’s strengths and
by Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner weaknesses by determining their preferred
which has become a touchstone of education. learning style.
Embracing a wide array of human talents that This would consequently give them the
significantly contribute to our intellectual and opportunity to learn productively in ways more
cultural life, MI theory offers a broader definition to their unique minds. .“If a child is not learning
of intelligence than is measured by standard IQ the way you are teaching, then you must teach
tests. in the way the child learns.“ (Rita Dunn).
nobody’s good at them all. With the right toy or As for Gardner there are 8 primary intelligences.
educational aid children can improve their weak An individual may excel in one, two or even
types of intelligences and become really good three of these, but nobody’s good at them all.
in all areas. With the right toy or educational aid children
Gardner suggests that people do not have just can improve their weak types of intelligences
an intellectual capacity, but have many different and become really good in all areas.
intelligences in order to capture the full range
of abilities and talents that people possess.
Multiple Intelligences
To know the meaning of the symbols used in this catalogue please refer to the Intelligences Chart.